Sunday, November 29, 2009

Should We Be Worried about Islam?

If you listen there is a debate going on: Is Islam a mainstream religion with millions of peace loving believers, or, is it a violent political movement determined to rule the world under Sharia law?

Some say the religion has been hijacked by extremists. Some say that, regardless, the core values preach, even demand, spreading Islamic beliefs at all costs in any way possible.

Some suggest that simply through immigration Europe will continue to absorb an ever-growing Muslim population who choose not to integrate into the host societies and even lobby for Sharia rule rather than host-nation rule in their isolated communities.

It is estimated that there are upwards of 13 million Muslims in the European Union: 5 million in France, 3 million in Germany, 1.6 million in the UK and 1 million in Spain. Some individual cities in these countries have a 20% Muslim population-Marseilles, France and Rotterdam.

All, by the way, invited or allowed in as workers to do the jobs the indigenous people no longer wish to do. There is a more cynical view as to how and why the populations are growing in Europe which Bruce Bawer explains in his book, While Europe Slept.

While this may sound similar to the U.S undocumented worker problem, those folks hope to be documented and to become a part of the American dream.

Most countries, including the U.S., are very cautious less any one is offended in dealing with religious and cultural issues around Islam. Interesting to see the NY Times, the BBC as well as other main stream media carefully choose words and opinions that are Politically Correct, non-racist, multi culture prone and often leave the reader or listener wondering why is the tail wagging the dog here?

If Muslim assimilation into host cultures, where religion is kept out of government, is not acceptable or contrary to Islamic doctrine, the question is whether the spread of Islam and Sharia law by peaceful means(immigration) undermines the cultures of Europe and the U.S.

I have recommended in past blogs that we each do our own research in many areas to determine fact from fiction.

In this case I suggest it is imperative that one understand what is going on and whether we are threatened. I recommend two books by Bruce Bawer: While Europe Slept and his latest, Surrender. There are several books written by current Islamic scholars: Malise Ruthven, Christopher Caldwell and Tariq Ramadan to name a few that I am reading to get the Islamic's side of this story. I shall recommend them in a later blog after I have read them.
Mean time, you may wish to Google these writers to begin your own research.

If you have not read Tom Friedman in Sunday's NYTimes, you may wish to start with his column that is reproduced below.

America vs. The Narrative

Published: November 28, 2009
What should we make of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who apparently killed 13 innocent people at Fort Hood?

Here’s my take: Major Hasan may have been mentally unbalanced — I assume anyone who shoots up innocent people is. But the more you read about his support for Muslim suicide bombers, about how he showed up at a public-health seminar with a PowerPoint presentation titled “Why the War on Terror Is a War on Islam,” and about his contacts with Anwar al-Awlaki, a Yemeni cleric famous for using the Web to support jihadist violence against America — the more it seems that Major Hasan was just another angry jihadist spurred to action by “The Narrative.”

What is scary is that even though he was born, raised and educated in America, The Narrative still got to him.

The Narrative is the cocktail of half-truths, propaganda and outright lies about America that have taken hold in the Arab-Muslim world since 9/11. Propagated by jihadist Web sites, mosque preachers, Arab intellectuals, satellite news stations and books — and tacitly endorsed by some Arab regimes — this narrative posits that America has declared war on Islam, as part of a grand “American-Crusader-Zionist conspiracy” to keep Muslims down.

Yes, after two decades in which U.S. foreign policy has been largely dedicated to rescuing Muslims or trying to help free them from tyranny — in Bosnia, Darfur, Kuwait, Somalia, Lebanon, Kurdistan, post-earthquake Pakistan, post-tsunami Indonesia, Iraq and Afghanistan — a narrative that says America is dedicated to keeping Muslims down is thriving.

Although most of the Muslims being killed today are being killed by jihadist suicide bombers in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Indonesia, you’d never know it from listening to their world. The dominant narrative there is that 9/11 was a kind of fraud: America’s unprovoked onslaught on Islam is the real story, and the Muslims are the real victims — of U.S. perfidy.

Have no doubt: we punched a fist into the Arab/Muslim world after 9/11, partly to send a message of deterrence, but primarily to destroy two tyrannical regimes — the Taliban and the Baathists — and to work with Afghans and Iraqis to build a different kind of politics. In the process, we did some stupid and bad things. But for every Abu Ghraib, our soldiers and diplomats perpetrated a million acts of kindness aimed at giving Arabs and Muslims a better chance to succeed with modernity and to elect their own leaders.

The Narrative was concocted by jihadists to obscure that.

It’s working. As a Jordanian-born counterterrorism expert, who asked to remain anonymous, said to me: “This narrative is now omnipresent in Arab and Muslim communities in the region and in migrant communities around the world. These communities are bombarded with this narrative in huge doses and on a daily basis. [It says] the West, and right now mostly the U.S. and Israel, is single-handedly and completely responsible for all the grievances of the Arab and the Muslim worlds. Ironically, the vast majority of the media outlets targeting these communities are Arab-government owned — mostly from the Gulf.”

This narrative suits Arab governments. It allows them to deflect onto America all of their people’s grievances over why their countries are falling behind. And it suits Al Qaeda, which doesn’t need much organization anymore — just push out The Narrative over the Web and satellite TV, let it heat up humiliated, frustrated or socially alienated Muslim males, and one or two will open fire on their own. See: Major Hasan.

“Liberal Arabs like me are as angry as a terrorist and as determined to change the status quo,” said my Jordanian friend. The only difference “is that while we choose education, knowledge and success to bring about change, a terrorist, having bought into the narrative, has a sense of powerlessness and helplessness, which are inculcated in us from childhood, that lead him to believe that there is only one way, and that is violence.”

What to do? Many Arab Muslims know that what ails their societies is more than the West, and that The Narrative is just an escape from looking honestly at themselves. But none of their leaders dare or care to open that discussion. In his Cairo speech last June, President Obama effectively built a connection with the Muslim mainstream. Maybe he could spark the debate by asking that same audience this question:

“Whenever something like Fort Hood happens you say, ‘This is not Islam.’ I believe that. But you keep telling us what Islam isn’t. You need to tell us what it is and show us how its positive interpretations are being promoted in your schools and mosques. If this is not Islam, then why is it that a million Muslims will pour into the streets to protest Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, but not one will take to the streets to protest Muslim suicide bombers who blow up other Muslims, real people, created in the image of God? You need to explain that to us — and to yourselves.

The Tuna Fish Sauce

Well, Thanksgiving is over, we may have eaten too much or just enough and now we move toward the Chanukah, Christmas, New Year celebrations with more drink, food and company. At the end of the day, it is really about being with people we may love but hopefully at least like.

Some thoughts for us to consider to make the holidays personal:

Let's give something meaningful to each other that is not "just bought". Perhaps a treasured book, scarf, piece of jewelry, art work or CD.

Cook a meal for some one(s)especially to honor your friendship.

Offer to relieve someone of a task for some period: caring for an elder, walking a dog, washing windows, do the laundry.

Make a gift. Try baking. It is easy if you follow easy recipes.

Arrange to visit the recipient to spend several hours over time reading from a favorite book of poems, or a classic novel.

Arrange a visit to a museum, cinema, library or a trek through a woods followed by a small meal.

You get the idea. Something done personally, from the heart not the wallet will mean so much not only to those who receive; but will fill you with the spirit of this time of year.

If you decide to cook, I offer my father's recipe for tuna fish sauce as promised:

Ingredients: Serves 4

2 tins of Italian tuna fish packed in oil. Each tin should be 5 to 10 ounces.
1/2 of a small red onion.
1 large clove of garlic.
1/4 teaspoon thyme, fresh or dry.
2 28 oz tins San Marzano chopped tomatoes. Please try these. Simply the best!
1 table spoon of red wine vinegar.
1 table spoon of virgin olive oil. May not be needed if the oil from the tuna tins is ample.
1/4 tea spoon cayenne pepper flakes.
1 pound of dried pasta, preferably linguine.


Use a 4 quart heavy sauce pot that takes heat well on the open flame.

Open the tins of tuna. Hold the lid of the tin over the contents so you can pour the excess oil into the sauce pot.

Fork the tuna into a mixing bowl and gently break it up.

Open the tins of tomatoes, pour into another mixing bowl. Add thyme, cayenne pepper and salt to taste.

Chop the garlic and red onion finely either by hand or in food processor.

Saute the onion and garlic over a medium flame, in the sauce pot with oil from the tuna tins. The bottom surface of the pot should be thoroughly coated with oil. If not use all or some of the table spoon of olive oil.

When the mixture is lightly browned, add the table spoon of red wine vinegar. When you do this, hold the pot lid at the ready to be quickly placed on top of the pot. The mixture will sputter and spray all over if not quickly covered. Lift off the stove for a minute to allow the mixture to calm.

Place the pot back onto the flame, remove the lid and add the tuna. Use a wooden spoon to mix the tuna and saute.

After a few stirs add the tomatoes, stir the mixture and bring to a boil.

When at a boil, lower the flame to simmer and cook for 30 minutes.

Boil water for the pasta, cook, drain. In a large ceramic bowl or the pot the pasta was cooked in, add several scoops of the cooked tuna sauce. Add the pasta, stir with a wooden spoon until the pasta is thoroughly coated.

Spoon into deep pasta bowls, add tuna sauce to the top and serve.

The meal can be started or ended with a plain arugala and pear salad and crusty baguette.

Happy Holiday Season Everyone!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Responses to "LBJ or Gandhi" Blog

Several people commented on the recent blog. I have asked their permission to reprint the comments without attribution.

No one is giving him a chance ...8 years of a president who didn't even think and all anyone does is knock someone who takes more than a month to make a decision. I have no idea if Obama is a man for the times but next week he will have been in office 10 takes that long to get anything this big moving an inch. I know people on his advisory teams...they say he is decisive and not so interested in consensus...Weren't you the guy who counseled me on trying to reach consensus with that Senior Management Team?????. I actually think he has done a lot in 10 months...maybe not everything we wanted but 10 months...c'mon 10 months

If only the republicans had remained in office, none of the issues you mention would be so horrendous. I have worked long and hard for where I am financially. I refuse to see my tax dollars go to any one who did not earn them as I did. This country is founded on the rights and ability of the individual to survive without government interference. And that is what it is, interference. We are not and never have been meant to be a socialistic society.


You have become a political commentator and are spending much of your time being aggravated. I admire your fortitude. I have decided that the politics of this country have become dysfunctional and there is little likelihood that we will solve the problems that confront this nation in a rational manner, if at all.

1) re:will be no effective reforms of Wall Street
2) re: will be no financial policy to provide jobs or to have prevented the huge job losses that have already occurred. (See OpEd in today's Times about what Germany did to prevent huge job losses).
3) re: will be no climate control policy.
4) re: will be no alternative energy policy
5) health plan, if and when it gets passed, will fail to provide health care equal to the 36 nations in the world that provide better health care than the U.S. Obama is raising taxes over 5% on wealthier people when other countries health care costs half as much.

It is all too aggravating for me to deal with. I see no solution to the problem other than to tune out. I will read the headlines and will not get involved. Life is too short and I do not believe much can be done about the problem.

I hope your attitude is more constructive and that you along with others can make a difference. I am out of here.

Some final thoughts. One, is that all three comments as well as my blog are meaningful, legitimate points of view. Thank you for sharing and I think if we do not voice our concerns, council together and try to create change that benefits our citizenry, we will have only ourselves to blame for the country we become.

Do read Paul Krugman's column(mentioned above) on the Op Ed page of Friday the 13th NYTimes about what Germany has done to create jobs.

And finally, I think that next week I shall publish the recipe for my father's fabulous tuna fish pasta sauce! Have a great weekend. Today is Laura and my 10th wedding anniversary

Thursday, November 12, 2009

LBJ or Gandhi?

I think that by now you know that I am not a political ideologue. I simply wish to make some observations about the status of things in the U.S. as I see them.

Could any one else in the presidency other President Obama do any better? I have no way of knowing. I do ask, however, where are we with the Obama administration and what is the over all strategy?

If I have a concern it is this: does this president have the inner fortitude that, Lincoln, FDR, Truman and LBJ had to get done what each believed believed in?

It appears our president is more Gandhian than Teddy Roosevelt.

If that is correct, is appeasement,consensus building and compromise the correct strategy for where the president said he wanted to go? And how change and hope would be executed?

Read the record to date and decide for yourself. Below are the questions that need be answered:

1) Regulation of the financial industry to prevent future melt downs. Not even close.
In fact the people who led us into the debacle are still in charge: Summers, Bernanke, Geithner etc
2) Stimulus? They have not been able to explain what happened to the original $750 billion dollars. Hint: ask AIG and Goldman Sachs

3) The Wars? Oh me! I predicted in August that by year end these would be Obama's wars. Well, I was wrong, it only took to November for that to happen. Who owns the wars? What are the strategic objectives that require the US to be in either place? What are the exit strategies for either place. This last question is at the heart of the matter.

Today, the administration spun the ultimate disinformation since Bush/Rove: "The president told his security team that the four options they had presented for dealing with Afghanistan are not good enough" Good enough for what? The current Ambassador to Afghanistan said today "send no more troops until Karzai fixes the security and corruption issues in his government and country". Hello? Could any thing be more clear than that?

The spin today is that the Pres is being very careful. BUT THE REALITY MAY BE THAT HE DOES NOT HAVE THE GUTS TO CONFRONT ISSUES. He seems to think that if he waits and does not confront, he will find a solution without pissing any one off.

Is there a fatal character flaw that needs and wants approval when decisive action is required?

4) Immigration? Off the table

5) The economy. It is all about jobs! To whom is that a mystery? Answer:to the administration.

6) Health care Insurance reform? Without the competitive option and tort reform, the insurance industry gets 40 or so million more subscribers than they had before the reform. Come on, folks! By the way I am not saying who is right or wrong on this issue. Merely an observation that we have not created a situation where the industry needs to worry about their competitive future.

7) Jobs and the Economy? The Washington lobbyist have won again. The entrenched industries have won. 10% unemployment seems to be ok with every one.I have not heard the President say "this is not acceptable. Therefore I am doing the following......" The way FDR would have done and in fact did. The real unemployment number is closer to 18%( please read why else where)The spin is that the unemployed will be with us at least through 2011. Do you think that is acceptable?

And so the record of this presidency unfolds. I am very concerned as I know you are. The question is does "cool' trump effectiveness and execution? Answer: you tell me!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Stars are Realigned ?

Have you noticed a change in your perspective and in those around you lately? Do you notice a more positive feeling ? In the last few months did there not seem to be many challenges for us personally, in the village, city, country and world? So many issues that needed our attention many of which we had no control over?

Some said it was the planets in retrograde: colliding, overlapping or overpowering one another. Others said that God(s) were more angry with us than usual, still others that we are not supposed to be happy by some design of nature, God(s) or the universe.

Let me ask ? Do any of the above reasons seem real when you see them in the stark reality of the written word?

I offer a different perspective. The time period mentioned above is subjective. One can pick any time and decide whether things are going well or not. That said, try this: WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITIES.

Here is how we do it:


Okay, what if you don't like the out comes? Change either your EXPECTATIONS or if you are courageous, CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE-THE WAY YOU VIEW A SITUATION!

Last evening I attended the 10th anniversary celebration of Breakthrough New York's success. Check them out at

A young Wesleyan University student described her experiences growing up in the New York City area among poor and downwardly mobile people with out hope. For example, both her father and uncle were murdered on the streets of their neighborhood within a year.

She decided that she could change her reality by changing her perspective. She found Breakthrough New York and went to work. Over the next few years she created POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS, CHOSE A PERSPECTIVE FOR SUCCESS, CHOSE A POSITIVE PERCEPTION AND FINALLY, WINNING BEHAVIOR.

You had to be there folks to hear this story to understand the strength this and all humans have. She ended with a quote that said, in essence, it is not so much your out comes that determine your life; but what you do with the out comes.

Think about it folks, we do create our own realities which is more acceptable than thinking the stars, Gods, universe or worse yet the tyrants of the world are in control.