Friday, October 1, 2010

This President is Great!

Hey! Quite a statement right? Hear me please. Tea Party? Yeah, well Carl Paladino, Meg( I didn't know she was illegal) Whitman, the lady from Delaware, Christine O Donnell who lied on her resume and is against masturbation, sex of any kind, don't mess with my Medicare and Messrs. Gingrich, Bohner, Madam Palin from Alaska(OMG is there another planet I can move to) and Anger??? Are any of you who read this blog ready to turn over our nation to these do nothing, self serving, so-called leaders?? I hope not.

Did you know:
1)Wall street has been reigned in and hates it.
2)The Banks have yet to write off any toxic investments.
3)Health care insurance companies are on notice and dare not be greedy.
4)TARP is over this Sunday and out of $700 billion dollars offered, less than $200 billion is out there.
5)Larry Summers is gone!! He was one of the group: Summers, Geither, Greenspan, Paulson and Goldman Sacks who brought us depression 2008.

Come on folks, this president has taken each item on his agenda and has either gotten it done or has it tee'd up. Yet to come are immigration, energy, and education.

Let's give him a chance to get it done. Has he made mistakes? Yes, in style as well as content. Did he bring people into his admin who helped create the problem? Yes he did. Again, not in content; but in style. He is an intellectual, deep feeling man who can not believe what he has been asked to do. Well, neither can I!

Here is my suggestion: Get behind the President Stop being partisan.

That is it! Stop doubting, get into the fray, stop listening to Rush, Glen, Michele, Newt, Ed, Rachelle, Keith and the rest of the SNL crowd, left, right or indifferent. They care only about their ratings and earnings.

Talk( I almost said pray) my friends to the Goddess, the God, the Universe, your Family whom ever you think controls or influences events.

Give this President a chance!!!

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