Thursday, November 17, 2011

Please Read This!

Four years ago when I began this blog, I offered some insight into the goals of radical Islam. I recommended a book by Bruce Bowers called " While Europe Slept"

Radical Islam is not a religion; but an aggressive violent movement dedicated to the establishment of Sharia law with a take no prisoners approach. There is no compromise, no co-existence, and certainly no acceptance of the rights of women and men that the world has been striving toward for 5000 years of recorded history.

When Mubarak was ousted and the Arab Spring began, I wrote a blog to alert you to the fact that the Brotherhood was in the mix, had changed its tactics and was starting out to become part of society and the political process.

Why? Because to do other wise would have brought the rest of the world to its feet in response.

The tactic, as Bower pointed out five years ago, was to conquer by assimilation!

Friends please watch this youtube video and be aware of the real danger to our country(ies).

Please le me know what you think.

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