Thursday, January 14, 2010

Need Some Help

Like you I am over whelmed with the disaster in Haiti. I am also over whelmed with the response that most able countries in the world have expressed.

I have a question. Some one respond and tell me which Muslim country has stepped up? The Saudis, Kuwaitis? UAEs, Iran, Iraq?

I know that being politically correct is what current Western diplomacy is about. So you may express your views as best you can with in that frame work, or not.

Please understand, this is not a sarcastic post. I have not been able to find any response except for the Islamic Relief Fund that I tracked; but am unable to see a commitment only an appeal for funds.

1 comment:

  1. Ted,
    An extremely interesting comment. The thought had not even occurred to me.
    When those countries stop concentrating on murder and mayhem it will be a much better world(not that the Western World hasn't contributed its share to the world's misery,i.e.Vietnam,Iraq, et. al).
    I'm reminded about how self defeating and foolish many of those Arabic countries are. Instead of focusing on how to destroy Israel they could learn so much from the Israelis, i.e., how to make the desert bloom.

