Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yet Another Insight

My dear friend Chris Weyant is a political cartoonist whose work appears regularly in a paper in D.C.,called The Hill as well as in publications such as The New Yorker.

He recently did a cartoon that drew many comments. Here is one worth repeating:

"When Cheney was in office, he said public criticism of a war-time President was akin to TREASON. But when he does it, as a former VP no less, it's acceptable? How can you continue to support such morally bankrupt, political gamesmanship? Not only did he and his administration bring America to financial ruin, but he is personally responsible for the deaths and injuries of thousand of American soldiers by leading us into two wars without end or objective. But I guess conservatives never really cared about average Americans who go to war. It's so much easier to just wear their flag pins and sit back as the rest of the middle class does the fighting for them".

Below is the link to the Hill where you can see the cartoon. may have to cut and paste to your browser's address bar)

Question: does Cheney offer any thing supportive to any one or any group? Does he have any of his revisionists facts right? Like many in the ultra right, he does not allow reality or results to get in the way of his opinions.

That said, it is interesting to observe that when in power at the federal level one may do and say as one wants until the next regime does so. Then it is is okay to denigrate and deride what the current administration is doing or saying.

Less any one forget the party of NO, brought us eight years of financial, regulatory,diplomatic and legislative disasters.

So, have a thought and let me hear or see it. Unless of course you are content not to have opinions so long as your life is safe.

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